DIABETES, BP, ASTHMA, IMPOTENCE, & Other Disease Can Be Completely Reversed By Herbal Therapy & Remedies.
Scientists, Academics and the Medical Profession have been indoctrinated, schooled and programmed to downplay, downvalue and rubbish the importance of Traditional, Alternative Cures and Remedies for various disease because that information or knowledge is counter-productive to their objectives of promoting the products of the Pharmaceutical companies that finance their Research Programmes.
It's all about controlling the Multi Trillion Dollar Medicines and Pharmaceuticals Industry and the best way to do that is to monopolise and so that they can make as much money as possible, with the competition excluded. It's all about GateKeeping and sidelining Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the significance and value of Traditional and Alternative Tretment Methods and Therapies which have been pracrticed by our over thousands of years.

Mrs. Sebi
(Entrepreneur Extra-Ordinaire, Pathologist, Bio-Chemist, Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Healer)
Anyone that dares challenge them pays a heavy price. The Dr. Sebi family has been harassed and intimidated by the Police and the FBI on several occassions for baseless accusations and allegations and false charges. Dr. Sebi was arrested and incarcerated by the security forces whereby he was questioned and interrogated for hours about his Herbal Remedies.

The Honourable Dr. Sebi
The truth is that Western Medicine uses the same herbs and roots and leaves from Ayuverdic Medicine, African Traditional Medicine, Chinese Medicine, South American Medicine to create their Pharmaceuticals.
They extract the active ingredients from the same plants and process them in laboratories and afterwhich they are packaged and given names.
Traditional or Alternative Medicine Practitiners and Pathologists and Therapists such as Dr Sebi take the whole plant and processes it the natural, organic and traditional way exactly as it has been done for hundreds and thousands of years before the advent of Western Medicine.
Salukazi Organics is a reliable Supplier of various Traditional, Alternative Herbal Remedies for Disease such as DIABETES, ASTHMA, HBP ...
Herbalistic Healing is Natural, Pure, Organic and 100% Safe - It has No Additives, No Preservatives, No Colourants, No Flavourants, No Poisons, No Hazardous Substances, No Acids and Cancer-causing chemicals as it's the case with Western Medicines and Pharmaceuticals.
Herbalistic Healing is 100% Pure, 100% Natural, 100% Organic, 100% Green, 100% Safer than Western Pharmaceuticals.
Ms. Gladys Ndaba (MSc : Dietetics & Tropical Disease - Founder)
If you require advice or assistance, visit the Dr Sebi Website or FaceBook Page or contact Salukazi Organics - salukaziorganics@gmail.com
LISTEN TO DR. SEBI's WIFE LIVE On Sway's Universe:
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