DIABETES, BP, ASTHMA, IMPOTENCE , & Other Disease Can Be Completely Reversed By Herbal Therapy & Remedies. Scientists, Academics and the Medical Profession have been indoctrinated, schooled and programmed to downplay, downvalue and rubbish the importance of Traditional, Alternative Cures and Remedies for various disease because that information or knowledge is counter-productive to their objectives of promoting the products of the Pharmaceutical companies that finance their Re search Programmes. It's all about controlling the Multi Trillion Dollar Medicines and Pharmaceuticals Industry and the best way to do that is to monopolise and so that they can make as much money as possible, with the competition excluded. It's all about GateKeeping and sidelining Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the significance and value of Traditional and Alternative Tretment Methods and Therapies which have been pracrticed by our over thousands of years. Mrs. Seb...
Salukazi Organics is a Supplier & Distributor of tried and tested Traditional Remedies for the Reversal of Disease such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Asthma, Heart Problems, HIV etc, etc. We provide various Combinations and Mixtures of Eastern AyurVedic and African Traditional Remedies that have been well researched and documented.